Ten must-see web resources for Catholics … including Decent Films!


Thanks to my friend Mark Shea of Catholic and Enjoying It! for including my work here at Decent Films among his “Ten must-see web resources for Catholics” for Our Sunday Visitor.

In reality, the list isn’t as sweeping as the title might suggest. Rather than a Top 10 list of Catholic web resources generally (a list that might include EWTN.com, NCRegister.com, Catholic.com and OSV.com itself — not to mention the most august Catholic website of all, Vatican.va), Mark has put together a list highlighting ten websites representing the personal apostolates of individual Catholics.

Suffice to say, it’s good company to be in. Rather than name-dropping any of my fellow honorees, and risking slighting others, I’ll simply say, in one of Mark’s characteristic phrases: Check thou it out!

Decent Films Doings